Tutorial 7: More Animation

This seventh tutorial video is the final video in a series of videos dedicated to menu UI and code.

Specifically, how to fade the screen to black (or fade from a black screen), how to line up animations and delay animations to work well with button clicks.

In this video series, I talk you through how to create this scene.

If you’re joining us now, this video is a beautiful introduction to C# code and Unity animation but they all lead from one another. I am making a tutorial of Conversation With A Zombie as I learn Unity.If you’re confused what’s going on then start here. We’re we start make buttons and code in clicks.

Code: https://gist.github.com/maxbye3/00018d4c4132bc9b95c4

Tutorial 6: Animation

This sixth tutorial video is the third video in a series of videos dedicated to menu UI.
Specifically, how to animate our scene, initiate animations through button clicks and how animations interact with each other.

In this video series, I talk you through how to create this scene.

If you’re joining us now, this video is a beautiful introduction to C# code and Unity animation but they all lead from one another. I am making a tutorial of Conversation With A Zombie as I learn Unity.If you’re confused what’s going on then start here. We’re we start make buttons and code in clicks.

Code: https://gist.github.com/maxbye3/b1d82385368ba0c8f321

Tutorial 5: More Menu UI

This fifth tutorial video is the second video in a series of videos dedicated to menu UI and code.

Specifically, how to customise buttons, reference game objects with code and disable/enable game object components with onclick interactions.

In this video series, I talk you through how to create this scene.

If you’re joining us now, this video is a beautiful introduction to C# code and Unity animation but they all lead from one another. I am making a tutorial of Conversation With A Zombie as I learn Unity.If you’re confused what’s going on then start here. We’re we start make buttons and code in clicks.

Code: https://gist.github.com/maxbye3/00018d4c4132bc9b95c4

Tutorial 4: Menu UI

This fourth tutorial video is the first in a new series dedicated to menu UI and code.
Specifically, how to make buttons with custom font and texture, hover animation and onclick.

In this video series, I talk you through how to create this scene.

If you’re joining us now, this video is a beautiful introduction to C# code and Unity animation but they all lead from one another. I am making a tutorial of Conversation With A Zombie as I learn Unity.

Code: https://gist.github.com/maxbye3/65f9c9ea20c0d836cad5